Blogger Repost: Monday 23 April 2018 - Last time used 27 April 2020
linux mint terminal Sometimes when I'm editing videos, it's more practical to cut up raw videos into smaller clips before importing them into my favorite vi
Thursday, 05. December 2019 Viewing or even printing your emails is fairly straight forward, but when you want to quickly view it is highly likely you would save the file to your hard drive, especially if it is a large document.
Tuesday, 29. October 2019 It's not always necessary to have a linked video to support your blog post. Having a small animated GIF can be just as effective to demonstrate your point. So in this post, I'm going to show you how I crea
Friday, 25. October 2019 Now that I'm creating a lot of content for my Steemit/ Engrave blog. I've decided to put together a Markdown template to keep all my posts visually consistent. It also helps to quicken the creation process,
I do have this installed and running well on my normal day to day computer, not that I really need to, but it was a good exercise to new technology and overcoming problems during the installation process. Ideally it should be on it's own "st
When I record I generally do 1 large video then cut 1 section to post onto social media. Instead of loading a video editor (like kdenlive) I just open a terminal in the folder, load the video into VLC to determine start point and duration fo