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First time going down the Te Whiti Riser track, been meaning to do this for quite some time now. I have to say this is one of the steepist ridge line tracks I've ever been on, I totally loved it. Yes it is slow and hard going, especially the descents but you really feel the effort you put into the hike. I passed a lot of people, young and old who seem to do this climb on a daily basis, I can understand why. I'm going to make this a regular Hiking route.

extremely steep

There is not much protection on this side of the hill and you are really exposed to Wellingtons infamous high winds. Today was no exception, at the Mt Towai lookout it was a struggle just to stand.

It was also a good oppertunity to put together a daypack, by using an old school bag I felt it was a good start. It was OK and I know I over-packed, it's time to do some research and create a more realistic pack.

strava: crowther to te whiti

strava te whiti to crowther

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